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unexpected twist

美 [ˌʌnɪkˈspektɪd twɪst]英 [ˌʌnɪkˈspektɪd twɪst]
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unexpected twistunexpected twist
  1. The ending has a very unexpected twist to it .


  2. To put it simply , it 's a time-travel drama with an unexpected twist .


  3. It may not matter how creative you feel because an unexpected twist to your day places additional demands on you now .


  4. In an unexpected twist , the experiment straddled the collapse of Lehman Brothers and of the stock market .


  5. Dan : No , I didn 't. Uh , in an ironic though not totally unexpected twist ,


  6. In an unexpected twist , an award-winner accepted an award in person for the first time in the event 's eight-year-long history .


  7. And , not long after , in an unexpected twist , I became the patient , with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis at age31 .


  8. In an unexpected twist , Turkish officials blamed Mr Gulen 's followers for shooting down a Russian Su-24 in November .


  9. One , about a civil servant who lost a daughter and three sisters , has the sort of unexpected twist that 's a documentarian 's dream .


  10. There 's usually a Greek chorus ( the parental unit ), an unexpected twist in the road ( can 't get into medical school ) and a crisis or two to be overcome .
